Active Learning as a Service (ALaaS) is a fast and scalable framework for automatically selecting a subset to be labeled from a full dataset so to reduce labeling cost. It provides a out-of-the-box and standalone experience for users to quickly utilize active learning.
MLSysOps/Active-Learning-as-a-Service: A scalable & efficient active learning/data selection system for everyone. – GitHub from alaas. server import Server Server. start (proto = ‘http’, # the server proto, can be ‘grpc’, ‘http’ and ‘https’. port = 8081, # the access port of your server. host = ‘’, # the access IP address of your server. job_name = ‘default_app’, # the server name. model_hub = ‘pytorch/vision:v0.10.0’, # the active learning model hub, the server will automatically download it for data … |